Protecting Your Hair From Heat

Questions You Probably Have About The Hair Transplant Process

Getting hair transplants can be really exciting since doing so will allow you to enjoy a lush, full head of hair once again. However, going into the process, you're sure to have a few questions and concerns. Here are some of those questions — along with their answers.

Where will the hair be removed from?

The hair used in hair transplants is taken from your own head — not from a cadaver or from your arm as you may have heard. In most cases, your surgeon will remove some follicles from the sides of your head where you still have a lot of hair and transplant them to the balding area. The area where the hair is removed may look a little sparse for a few weeks, but it will fill in before you know it!

Is the procedure painful?

All things considered, this is a pretty straightforward procedure that should not cause serious pain. Your doctor will administer a local anesthetic so that you don't feel a thing when the hair follicles are being removed and relocated. If you are really nervous about the procedure, they can also give you a sedative to calm you down. You may need to take the sedative an hour or two before your appointment and have someone drive you to your appointment. (You will also need a ride home.)

How long will it take for your hair transplant to look natural?

At first, the area where you have the hair transplanted will look a bit sparse and sore. You will start to notice the area filling in and looking more natural within a week, and the results should be pretty dramatic by one month after surgery. At this point, you can start deciding whether you want to have a second hair transplant or whether you are happy leaving things as they are. 

What risks are associated with hair transplants?

Hair transplant surgery is generally a safe surgery because it is minimally invasive. However, there is some risk of infection. You can minimize this risk by keeping the surgical area clean after the procedure, and by touching the area as little as possible. If you do notice issues such as swelling, redness, or the development of pus in the area where you received the transplant, contact your surgeon ASAP. As long as you act quickly, they can prescribe antibiotics and clear it up without too much hassle.

For more information on multi-therapeutic hair transplants, contact a cosmetic surgeon in your area.
