Protecting Your Hair From Heat

Caring For Your Hairpiece: 3 Things You Should Never Do With Synthetic Hair

When it comes to selecting a hairpiece, you have two main options: a hairpiece made of real human hair or one made with synthetic hair. The latter is more affordable and requires less care and styling, so it is a popular choice. However, it can get damaged more easily than a hairpiece made with real human hair, especially if you don't know what things you should avoid. Simply put: you can't treat synthetic hair like real hair. It will melt and/or fall apart. Following are a few things you should never do with your synthetic hairpiece.

Thermal Styling

You can blow dry, curl, and straighten human hair, but you can't do these things to synthetic hair. It will melt. You should never touch your hairpiece with any warm or hot instrument in an effort to style it. The good news is that you shouldn't have to. Synthetic pieces are made to hold their style. After cleaning yours, it should simply pop back into place without much effort on your part. If you want to change up your style, you may have to purchase another hairpiece in the style that you want. It should be noted, however, that you can have your hairpiece cut by someone who knows how to work with wigs.

Chemical Processing

Chemical processes, including relaxing, perming, and coloring are huge mistakes when it comes to synthetic hair. Not only does synthetic hair fail to react to these processes -- it won't lighten or hold color like real hair -- it will also break down and fall apart. Never put any chemicals on your hairpiece. If you desire a piece that's a different color or texture, purchase a new piece. There really isn't any way that you can change your existing piece if it's made with synthetic hair. 

Regular Cleaning

When your real hair gets dirty, you simply shampoo and condition it, but you can't do that with a synthetic hairpiece. There are special dry shampoos and cleansers that are specifically made for hairpieces that you should use. If you shampoo and condition with your regular products, your piece may become tangled and matted. 

As you can see, synthetic hairpieces require special care, but they do not require as much care as pieces made with real hair. To keep your hairpiece looking great for years to come, take care of it properly and do not try to change it through a thermal or chemical process. 
